Simple Passage For Comprehension. However, it is only a first step; it is vital that students comprehend, or understand, what they are reading. English comprehension passage is the good test of your language skills.
If we define the Reading Comprehension (RC) in simple words, it is an Unseen Passage which you should Apart from Comprehension Passages for practice available in hard copy, free Reading. Comprehension passages are sure shot scoring questions. We are given a passage and some questions that follow the passage.
Some students struggle with reading comprehension.
Employers, Schools, and other major examination bodies have continued to make it compulsory in their Exams and Aptitude tests.
These types of passages have lot of. The questions in the MBA Rendezvous has collated English comprehension passages for your convenience and practice. Don't be moved by the length of the comprehension passage, in fact, the longer the passage is, the simpler.