Find Somebody Who. Trying to find somebody using their name alone will probably cast too wide a net. Encourage students to spell names correctly.
Dedicated = somebody who spends all their time and effort on something. The important thing here is to go deeper by asking. "Who" or "that", which would you put after the word "someone"?(Either in conversation or writing). His father found him a job. consider to think of somebody/ something in a particular way: Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident? "Asking someone about their preferences helps you to understand who they are as a person," says Rebecca Hendrix, a therapist in New York.
A person who goes to outer space.
A 'find someone who' activity is a speaking activity which involves learners trying to find someone in For example, learners can practise multi-word verbs ('Find someone who has fallen out with their. find somebody who.
A person who makes computer games. Maybe we get lucky, find somebody who saw her. Может, нам повезёт и мы найдём кого-нибудь, кто её видел. Find Someone Who… Find Someone Who worksheets are useful as icebreakers, warmups, and fillers.