4th Grade Passages. However, you may want to use a reading from an earlier grade level because the formula does not factor in conceptual difficulty of a text. Support your fourth graders on the long and difficult journey to fluent reading with this collection of reading passages.
Have students read a reading passage provided on the website, identify the author's purpose, and give examples from the text to support their answers. Excited to learn more about fourth grade? Passages are provided from Levels F to Z and are original fiction or nonfiction text that can be used for one-on-one reading, independent timed After about four to six readings, students should reach the target words correct-per-minute (WCPM) standard for their.
Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. a gram-positive bacterium that is found on the skin and in the nasal passages of about a quarter of humans.
Designed as fluency assessments, these short texts help students of varying abilities improve their.
Multiply at the speed of lightning! Passages are provided from Levels F to Z and are original fiction or nonfiction text that can be used for one-on-one reading, independent timed After about four to six readings, students should reach the target words correct-per-minute (WCPM) standard for their. These passages are listed at their readability level according to the Fry formula.