Inference Worksheets 4th Grade. Students read the passages, answer the inferential questions, and explain their answers by using text. Download all our Inference Worksheets for teachers, parents, and kids.
These reading worksheets ask students to think about and interpret what they are reading. To preview the Language Worksheets simply click the link or image. Here is another high-quality inference worksheet.
These reading worksheets ask students to think about and interpret what they are reading.
Inference Riddle Game - Guess using riddles; infer what is being described by the clues you read.
Inferring text can be tricky, but practice makes proficient! The big ideas in Fourth Grade Science include exploring the sciences within the framework of the following topics: "Organisms and Their Environments" (patterns of behavior and changes in the environment); "Astronomy" (Earth, Sun, Moon and planets); "Weather" (water cycle, clouds, and. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.