Who Has I Have. "I have / Who has" is a whole-class card game. If you are not laminating, just cut the cards out.
The premise is a simple one. Who has a person, place or thing or idea? A Fun I have Who Has Learning Game for Kids!
The technically ungrammatical "you who has" comes from a tendency to give up and default to the traditional generic masculine third person "he" when the grammar gets gnarly.
I Have, Who Has Creator provides teachers with a fast and easy way to create custom I Have, Who Has games.
Click on the image to download the freebie! I have just learned that it is I who have won the award. [Though this means the same as the previous example, the use of the subject pronoun I and the This is my way of thinking about it: "It is they who have won all the awards" - If "they" is not the subject here, which word is the plural verb "have". How to Play I Have Who Has Alphabet Game.