Elapsed Time Number Line Worksheets. You have a lot of worksheets finding elapsed time, start time and end time; interactive problem skills included to practice elapsed time. To download/print, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download.
Download these FREE, differentiated Elapsed Time Worksheets now! Note also that the steps or "hops" shown on the number line examples might not be the best options for all time spans and/ or your Using the number line to help write how much time has elapsed: (the first one is done for you). Found worksheet you are looking for?
These worksheets and resources are grouping according to the following the progression of learning Use number lines to work out how much time has elapsed.
The elapsed time is the difference between the starting and To find the elapsed time, students need to learn how to read a clock and take a measure of time.
This can tell you how long an event took or will take. Each of the printable PDF elapsed time worksheets on this page includes an answer key with the time for each clock face as well as the actual time elapsed between the two values. Elapsed Time Worksheets Using A Number Line