Free Printable Number Line To 100. We've quite a few sets in production at the moment but at the moment just our lovely traffic jam number line up - a big, bold traffic jam that you can sticky-tack around the room at child-height. Line up the columns and have child add the ones place value to complete the numbers.
To download the large version, click the worksheets below. Each number is in a separate file so you only need to download the numbers you require. A printable chart for young learners of English showing numbers from one to a hundred with digits and words.
Line up the columns and have child add the ones place value to complete the numbers.
You'll find printable charts, games, minibooks, activities, crafts and more.
It can be used for classroom work, homework, or homeschooling. Each number is in a separate file so you only need to download the numbers you require. This free packet during this critical time is very useful and helpful.