Short 2nd Grade Reading Passages. Use these quick reading comprehension PDF passages for daily work, homework, or just for kids to enjoy. Main Idea & Details, Fact & Opinion, Inference, Context Clues, and Compare & Contrast.
Free printable short stories with online interactive quizzes to test comprehension Print the one-page reading passages for offline use or test comprehension with the online interactive quiz games. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is for people who want something different from fairy tale princesses. For this magazine there is no download available.
Main Idea & Details, Fact & Opinion, Inference, Context Clues, and Compare & Contrast.
Here is a collection of high-interest non-fiction articles, fiction stories, readers' theater scripts, and poems, that your students are sure to enjoy.
In the decoding department, second graders should be able to easily distinguish between short and long vowel sounds when reading common one-syllable. Each worksheet includes a short fiction or non-fiction passage followed by some questions. Understands and interprets stories or short passages.