Drawing Inferences Worksheet. In order for students to become strong readers and critical thinkers, they must learn to read between the lines. Drawing Inferences - Free printable worksheets can be used to have students determine what the author is suggesting by using the information from the text and what is already known about the content.
Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page. Another option is to save whichever worksheet you don't use now for follow-up assessment at a later time. Use these worksheets to help teach students about drawing inferences based on evidence in a reading passage.
Students will reviews recorded information and write an inference.
While reading, one needs to make inferences as it will help to enjoy reading and to make one able to read in between.
Making Inferences Worksheets + Digital Distance Learning ⭐ Inferencing can be a challenging skill to master. First graders can practice drawing conclusions from pictures and text by writing sentences about what is inferred with this free printable worksheet. The digital version is intended to be used as a no-print online learning activity for at home learning.