Greater Than Worksheets. The greater than less than worksheets on this page show simple numbers, math facts, clock times and numbers in scientific notation that students compare to insert the right comparison operator to. Greater and Less Than worksheets for kids.
Using and understanding the greater than less than symbols was a tough challenge for our first grader. The worksheet topics below are ordered by difficulty. Greater and Less Than worksheets for kids.
Comparing Integer Worksheets These greater than less than worksheets are great for testing children in their comparison of pairs of integers.
After printing on cardstock and laminating, I brought them to the playroom.
Greater than Less than worksheets contain comparing quantities, cut-glue activity, identifying greater/smaller number, comparing numbers in. There are a few different styles of worksheets for using different. In these worksheets the child must mark whether the first two-digit value is less than or greater than the second two-digit value using the less than < and greater than > symbols.