Acute Right Obtuse Angles Worksheet

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Acute Right Obtuse Angles Worksheet. These worksheets are printable pdf files. On this page, you will find worksheets on measuring an angle with the protractor, acute, obtuse, and right angles, parallel lines, naming segments, rays, and lines, identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.

Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles Worksheets
Acute, Right, and Obtuse Angles Worksheets (Jeffrey Higgins)
Challenge your third grader to a bit of angle sleuthing with this worksheet that asks him to figure out the name of each angle. On this page, you will find worksheets on measuring an angle with the protractor, acute, obtuse, and right angles, parallel lines, naming segments, rays, and lines, identifying parallel and perpendicular lines. Angles come in all sizes, but most fall into one of three categories: acute, right, or obtuse.

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In these geometry worksheets, students classify angles as acute, obtuse and right angles.

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Is this angle acute, right, obtuse, or straight? The Naming Simple Angles (Acute, Obtuse, Right) (A) Math Worksheet from the Geometry Worksheets Page at Your student will practice identifying angles in this worksheet.